mardi 5 février 2013

January Favorites! (Random)

With the arrival of a new month, it's time for my fave items of January!:)

Honey love<3 I don't know why but this month i've been obssed with aything that smelled like honey:)

1- Soap from Lush: Honey I washed the kids <3
A smooth moistrising sweet smelling soap that you will love it the first instant!

2-Eos lip balm: Honeysuckel Honeydew<3
These things are so adorable and absoultuely amazing. They smell and taste;) amazing, they are so moistrizing and are some of the most mostrurizing lip balm I have ever tried:)

3-Herbal essence conditionner: HoneyI'mStrong<3
I don't think I'll ever change my shampoo because I love my tressemme 24 hour body shampoo so much for what it does to my hair so I changed up my conditionner a couple of times in the herbal essences brand and  I'm loving the latest one I've tried:) It smells soooo good and It makes your hair have a healthy glow and feel so soft:)